
Sorry for the Wait..

Hey peoppleeeee (:
I know it has been a super long time since I have posted anything, or at least it seems like it. I have been piled with school work! My first semester of college is going good but I have to say it is getting more stressful week by week. The biggest problem I would say that people have when first going off to college is ORGANIZING and PRIORITIZING. It is sooooo easy to get caught up in being free, partying whenever, drinking whenever, and choosing to do your homework or not because your parents aren't there to whip you back into place. I don't find myself having those problems simply because I always remember it's costing +$20,000.00 a year to attend school. Most important thing is to find people who are interested in the same things as you, whether it's by joining a student organization, or going to the gym just to be around people who enjoy fitness... COURTT WORLD

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